
Oedipus Rex Hero

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Oedipus Rex: An Athenian Play The newest from renowned playwright Sophocles made it’s premiere in Athens last night. The production follows King Oedipus, whose fate is set in stone by the Gods. Cursed by destiny, a prophecy proclaims Oedipus would become a kinslayer and endure incest in his lifetime. Every character tries to change their fate which only sets the prophecy in motion. The entire play is tragic in itself, however is more so through the character Oedipus. The king of Thebes is the definition of a tragic hero. Oedipus is a hero as he once saved Thebes from a terrible beast. Nonetheless Oedipus becomes tragic when he through his errors in logic and in his actions, is inevitably the reason for his downfall. For example, Oedipus

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