
Oedipus The King Research Paper

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The tragedy of Oedipus the King.
3rd Block

Reading this play has made you learn a lot and by that I mean fate is always going to be with you no matter what you do to avoid it. Just like Oedipus tried to escape his fate but he just ran into another fate later.
The tragedy of Oedipus was in great confusion because, even though he did the best he could to understand why something like this would happen especially to him. Jocasta which is Oedipus biological mom was bearing a baby known as Oedipus and he had a fate that he was going to kill his father and marry his mom so his dad pierced his feet and tied him to a bush where a shepard found him and took him to Corinth where he grew up as a baby. Polybius raised the child called Oedipus,

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