
Comparing Copernicus And The Scientific Revolution

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Most churches today don’t still believe that the earth is flat, or that the sun revolves around the earth. Many churches today are more progressive and tolerable to different beliefs. The scientific revolution brought many ideas that would make churches accept the new teachings of scientist and philosophers like Copernicus and Voltaire Copernicus was the first person to believe that the Earth and all other planets revolved around the sun. Before Copernicus's discovery the Scientist and astronomers believe that the sun rotated around earth. Other astronomers didn’t believe in his theory because Copernicus had no way of proving his theory. After Copernicus died, Galileo proved that Copernicus’s theory was correct by inventing the telescope. The Catholic church denied that the Earth revolved around the sun, so everyone still thought the Earth was the center of the universe. The Catholic Church wasn’t didn’t approve of Galileo’s findings and the books he published, so they sentenced him to live under house arrest for the rest of his life. Just like Copernicus, Voltaire’s beliefs were also condemned by the Catholic church. …show more content…

France was controlled by a monarchy who was supposedly ordained by God, so if anyone didn’t agree with the monarchy they were going against God. Voltaire didn’t just write about the injustices of the church and monarchy, but he persuaded the people of France to disagree with the church’s most important doctrines. Voltaire explained that some of the Catholic Church’s doctrines were actually keeping people further away from God. In his writing he made many arguments that most people today would agree with. For example, He said that there is no reason there needed to be a priest present to worship God. Voltaire’s main reason for writing was to show that a simpler religion would benefit

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