Of Flannery O 'Connor's Short Story' A Good Man Is Hard To Find

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We often get to control our experiences but then there are those times that things just happen and it’s hard to understand why. When unsatisfactory, miscellaneous things happen to you, you usually learn lessons in result. Or when you are rude to people and think everyone is beneath you, karma will come right back around. Flannery O’Connor drew her characters and settings from the rural south and they were sometimes labeled grotesque by critics and scholars, but she rejected the term. O’Connor’s physical descriptions of people and landscapes are often serious, dramatic and weighted with symbolism. (Garbett) She often used animals as well, like the pigs in “Revelation”. O’ Connors stories are stories within themselves, there are meanings behind meanings. In the works of Flannery O’ Connors short stories “A good man is hard to find”, “Good Country People” and “Revelation”; the author portrays to her readers that the Protagonist oncoming’s are the result of fate due to their own selfish ways. O’ Connor’s protagonist think so highly of themselves that they are unable to recognize their own fallenness because of original sin (Shackelford). In O’ Connors short story “A good man is hard to find” (1953), you have a dysfunctional and disconnected family. They are obnoxious and ungrateful, and no one listens. The children John Wesley and June star are wild and inconsiderate, the parents are apathetic. The grandmother complains about the trip and the lack of respect of people today.