Love Story Of Jeffrey And Dorcas Analysis

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Have you ever been in a tough situation and don't know if you will get your way or not? Well in language arts, the students and I were assigned to read two passages and compare and contrast them. The first passage we read was, "Love Story of Jeffrey and Dorcas." It was about Jeffery, who had been sold to a new master and wanted Dorcas to come with him, so he fought to be with Dorcas. The second passages was, "An Account of Escaping Slavery." This story was about a young boy, Wesley Harris, and his friend and his two brothers trying to escape from slavery. They did anything to gain their freedom. Both of these passages are based on slavery, and faced a difficult situation. Jeffery and Wesley Harris had many differences, but also had similarities. …show more content…

First Jeffery and Harris both had determination during their situations. In the first passage, I know Jeffery was determined to make his new master buy Dorcas also because in the passage it states, "Young Mas'r, Dorcas prime woman--A1, sa. Tall gal, sir; long arm, strong, healthy, and can do a heap of work in a day. She is one of de best rice hands on de whole plantation; worth $1,200 easy, Mas'r, an' fus'rate bargain at that." From this sentence I know that Jeffery is trying to persuade his master to buy Dorcas. Jeffery also goes out and tells other buyers that Dorcas is not worth buying. In the second passage Harris was caught and took to Terrytown. As he stayed in jail, he thought of ideas of how to escape, the passage states, "As my wounds healed, and my senses came to me, I began to plan how to make another effort to escape." Harris was determined to escape the plantation he worked on and the jail in Terrytown. Second, Jeffery and Harris were risk takers, they were brave. In the first paragraph, Jeffery had been sold to a new master and Jeffery wanted Dorcas to be with him, so he put his life at risk and ask his master to buy Dorcas so they can be together. In the passage it states, "I loves Dorcas, young Mas'r; I loves her well an' true; she says she loves me, and I know she does; de good Lord knows I loves her better than I loves any one in de wide world--never could another woman half as well. Please buy Dorcas, Mas'r. We're be good servants to you long as we live. We're be married right soon, young Mas'r, and de chillun will be healthy and strong, Mas'r, and dey'll be good servants, too. Please buy Dorcas, young Mas'r. We loves each other a heap--do, really true, Mas'r." Slaves never talk or ask their masters anything, because it was considered disrespectful. If they did, they would be beat to death or killed. So when Jeffery asked his master to buy Dorcas, he was risking his life because he spoke