
Of Mice And Men Film Analysis

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The central idea that I focused on is that no matter how well a person plans and how hard he works toward a particular goal, forces outside of his control can destroy any possibility of his achieving that goal. This is a very depressing thought, and I felt that the music of the “narrative” genre reflected that depressing mood. I chose the “trees” image to display my studio name for the same reason. An empty swing and a setting sun seem to imply the end of something positive or an aching void. This foreshadows Lennie’s death and George’s emptiness at the end. I wanted to focus on George as the character whose story most clearly supports the central idea. I led into the statement of the central idea by saying, “One man will learn that despite his best efforts,” and then I showed clips showing George helping Lennie to escape the posse at their previous job and working very hard on the new ranch. I finished the central idea by saying, “His plans will be destroyed by forces beyond his control,” and then showed clips of Lennie killing the puppy and then killing Curley’s wife, while George plays horseshoes, blissfully …show more content…

Although George is the focus of the film, there are many other characters whose plans and dreams are destroyed by fate, so I led into an overview of those characters with text asking, “Who else must learn this painful truth?” I used still images to point to the migrant workers, Crooks, Curley’s wife, Candy, and Lennie as others who would be victims of a similar fate. The image of the migrant workers is a high angle extreme long shot, making the workers look small and vulnerable. The following images of the specific characters show them happy and smiling. I thought it would be striking to show their

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