George and Lennie In the novela of mice and men the main characters, George and Lennie, have a very strong friendship. George constantly made sure Lennie was safe and in control. George was a very good friend to lennie because he stayed with him no matter what, made sure lennie made good choices, and also defended him whenever someone messed with him. George stays with lennie even after the things lennie did to get them in trouble this is showing me that they had a strong friendship and they were closer than any others on the ranch. After Lennie's aunt Clara died lennie was left with no other family and George started to take care of him even if it wasn’t really his responsibility. He took care of him almost as if they were working …show more content…
An example was when lennie had the dead mouse in his hand and George made him get rid of it because it was unsanitary and he could get sick, even more if the mouse is dead (page 6). He was making Lennie give the the mouse to him but lennie didn’t want to give it, George eventually took it and threw it into the bushes.Also when they were getting the job George lies for lennie and talks for him, so they would have a higher chance of staying there. He didn't let lennie lennie say anything because he knew lennie would mess it up (page 6), he kept reminding him not to say anything. Also whenever lennie was attacked verbally or made fun of, George would defend him. For example when Lennie was attacked verbally by lennie he would let him know when it was safe to not say anything, and when Curley started to hurt him he let lennie know to defend himself, and he crushed lennie hand. Later he made sure he wouldn't get in trouble after crushing his hand, by making a …show more content…
They had the option to run away like they did before from the other ranch. The reason he had for killing him was because Lennie had gotten into trouble for killing Curley's wife, there was no way to get out of this. He actually didn't have to kill lennie, it’s as if George do it to get rid of him and stop worrying about everything lennie made him go through and most likely do again. He didn't want to have the responsibility over anyone and he found an excuse to get rid of him . Even if it is true that they could run away it was better to let go because this would become a cycle, risking their life and the job, all because lennie unintentionally caused trouble. If George hadn’t killed Lennie Curley was going to track them down because he was so determined to get rid of lennie. Still George actually shot him without him knowing what was going on and he died with a good thought on his mind about the ranch. I think that as a friend their job is to make the other person happy no matter what the problem is. He did what he thought was the best thing for Lennie because he didn’t want him to go through the pain, that he felt, any