Oil Sands Pros And Cons

374 Words2 Pages
The Oil Sands - The Way to Go or Time to Say No?

The Oil Sands are a large source of energy in Canada which meet large demands for energy.

Alysa Encarnacion, Editorial Writer
May 14, 2017

ATHABASCA — The Oil Sands are the “heart” of Canada’s economy, rewarding us with 1.7 trillion dollars. There are both benefits and cons to the Oil Sands, affecting Canada economically, socially, politically, and environmentally.

The Oil Sands have contributed $91 billion to Canada’s GDP. The Oil Sands will also be able to support more than 753,000 jobs by 2025 and it is suggested that government revenues from the Oil Sands will grow to $61 billion by 2025. This is the largest resource exported in Canada.

Though we do benefit from this resource, the