Old Major: The Pig Who Had The Dream About The Revolution

703 Words3 Pages

Linda Garcia
Per. 5
August 26

Animal Farm Study Guide
Chapters 1-3
Old major - the pig who had the dream about the revolution and got the idea to start a revolution. Boxer - he is a strong horse but at times dumb and he trust the pigs. Clover - she is a motherly figure to Boxer. Benjamin - he is and old donkey that doesn't think the revolution is a good idea but does not feel like saying anything. Mollie - she is a beautiful horse that loves being with humans.
Major called the meeting to tell the animals about his idea of the revolution.
Majors points for the animals to remember is that all four legged and winged animals are equal and all two legged animals are enemies.
The Beats of England is the song of the revolution.
The pigs go the job of teaching and organizing …show more content…

Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy. Whatever goes upon four legs or has wings is friend. No animal wears clothes. No animal shall sleep in a bed. No animal will drink alcohol. No animal shall kill another animal. All animals are equal.
The pigs gained leadership of the farm because they were the cleverest.
The animals flag was green and had a white hoof and horn.
The pigs ate the milk and apples.

Chapters 4-6
The battle of Cowshead was when Jones and other farmers came to try and retake the farm.
Snowballs role was leader.
The relationship between Napoleon and Snowball is the they never agree on anything.
The topic that divided the animals was the building if the windmill. Napoleon was for it and Snowball was against it.
Napoleon got rid of Snowball by getting the puppies her trained as guard dogs to run hi out of the farm.
The changes Napoleon made first was that the pigs would make the decisions.
Squealer would say that Napoleon was taking on extra responsibility and was better than Snowball.
The two maxims that Boxer adopted was that Napoleon is always right and I will work