Oleander Soup Research Paper

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Oleander Soup, Mmmmmm . . . Bitter We expect powerful medicinal agents to taste bad, and oleander soup is no exception. It’s the bitterness of “natural chemotherapy”, and it’s critical to begin slowly. If you experience side effects (like I did), discontinue until you feel better, and don’t make the mistake of thinking it’s going to kill you, so resume once you feeling better. Some substances that are dangerous to cancer can cause you to feel uncomfortable temporarily. You can go to Cancer Tutor for the rating and recipe for oleander soup: http://www.CancerTutor.com/OleanderSoup You can find the information you need to make your own stove-top oleander soup and more information at: * Tony Isaac’s book: Cancer’s Natural Enemy * http://www.CureYourselfatHome.com …show more content…

Nobody is quite sure exactly what it is, except that it’s a fundamental property of matter, existing in 2 opposite polarities called positive and negative. Protons, 1 of 2 particles in atomic nuclei, are positive, while neutrons have no charge. Orbiting around the nucleus are electrons, the same number as protons inside the nucleus. Although electrons have 1,836 times less mass than protons, an electron has an equal (but opposite) charge (positive). Because they’re light and positioned outside the nucleus, electrons are much more easily dislodged from atoms than protons, so they’re the crucial carriers of electric charge. A negative charge can be thought of as an electron surplus, and a positive charge is an electron scarcity. When electrons move out of an region, it becomes positively charged, and the region to which they move becomes negative. (The Body Electric by Robert O. Becker, M. D. and Gary Selden) A flow of electrons is a current - measured in amperes - and a direct current is an even, steady flow of electrons (as opposed to the explosive discharge of static electricity in lightning bolts) which has flow AND force. Electric current has measurable movement (flow), and it has electromotive force (push) measured in …show more content…

The highly unsaturated ones are the omega-3 fatty acids, but another lipid found in the cell membrane is cholesterol, and all the good cholesterol found in all your cells form a hydrophobic bond. The term hydrophobic refers to the water solubility of the cell membrane, phobic meaning “afraid of” and “hydro” meaning water. So, cell membranes are secured by hydrophobic bonds, since lipids aggregate in solution without actually attaching to the atoms that constitute the solution. Shake a bottle of oil and water, and the oil (lipid) aggregates together into smaller and smaller droplets, but it will never form bonds with the water. Leave the bottle standing, and the oil always separates from the water and rises to the top, because it’s lighter and will never form bonds with water (hydrophobic). The highly unsaturated fats on healthy cells are selectively permeable - meaning they can become water soluble to transport essential nutrients to the cells, or they can be hydrophobic, like the waxy leaf and water droplets on the next page. <<>> Water droplets are aggregates of hydrogen and oxygen atoms linked by hydrogen atoms (H2O), but the leaf’s waxy surface never bonds with the water, as the waxy (lipid) surface and water repel each other, like the hydrophobic components of cell

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