Oliver Parker Othello Comparison

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There is much comparison and contrast between William Shakespeare’s original play Othello, and Oliver Parker’s film adaptation. The main themes of Shakespeare’s play are tragedy and romance, however, Parker’s film highlights particular themes including passion and lust, manipulation and disloyalty. Shakespeare’s original concepts of tragedy, racism and social-class, are undermined in Parker’s self-acclaimed erotically charged production of passion and lust. Their contrast has been the issue of many a critic. The first, and most eminent, point of contention is that of Parker’s view to transform Othello into what is billed as “One of the most erotically charged productions ever committed to film”. Parker significantly highlights the passion …show more content…

His sinister and cunning acts are a perpetration of his character and can be demonstrated thus; when confessing to Roderigo his plans to betray Othello he declares ‘I follow him to serve any term upon him... I am not what I am’ (Act 1, Scene 1, Lines 42-46). Furthermore, Iago elucidates his strategy to the audience which is typified through the quotes ‘After some time, to abuse Othello’s ear’, (Act 1, Scene 3, Line 389) and ‘The Moor is of a free and open nature, that thinks men honest that but seem to be so’ (Act 1, Scene 3, Lines 393-394). These lines are noticeably omitted form the film due to the time constraints, and their exclusion has been perceived as the catalyst for the contrasted themes of the play. Other notable attempts by Iago to manipulate his peers include; his advice to Cassio to put his case to Desdemona regarding his disposition as Lieutenant, which can be seen in the lines ‘...turn her virtue into pitch, and out of her own goodness make the net that shall enmesh them all’ (Act 2, Scene 3, Lines 350-353). Iago’s effort to deceive Othello into believing that Cassio is talking about Desdemona in private to Iago, when in fact he is talking about his mistress, Bianca. This scene in the book is stretched over thirteen pages of text, just to convey the same message that is delivered in four minutes of film. The ability of film, as a medium, …show more content…

The obvious character who is to be most distrusted is Iago; however he is not the only character who proves themselves not to be trusted. Desdemona’s position as Othello’s wife and lover places her in a favourable position to manipulate and deceive him in a disloyal manner. However in Shakespeare’s play, he manages to portray Desdemona as the type of person who would commit such treacherous acts. She is continually distrusted by those who should love and trust her most. First, her father Brabantio refuses to believe she could love Othello. Secondly, Othello accuses her of infidelity and as she tries to plead her innocence, Othello ignores her after being manipulated by a disloyal Iago. These examples of Desdemona being deserted by the ones she loves, is a stark contrast to Emilia, the wife of Iago, who ultimately leads to his downfall. Emilia, who is a supposed friend of Desdemona, steals her handkerchief that was given to her by Othello. The importance placed on this handkerchief can be shown through the line ‘To lose’t or give’t away were such perdition as nothing else could match’ (Act 3, Scene 4, Lines 67-68). When Emilia gives it to her husband to use as a tool in his plan to split Othello and Desdemona, the ultimate act of treachery is committed against Desdemona. However this act is superseded by Iago’s ruthless murder of his

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