Iago's Guilty In Othello

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In the Shakespeare play, “Othello” , Iago seeks revenge against his military leader Othello because Cassio was promoted as lieutenant over him. Iago’s plan that led up to the murder of Desdemona (Othello’s wife) involved taking Cassio’s position and manipulating Othello to believe that she had been having an affair with Cassio (lieutenant of Othello). The most controversial question of this case is; is Iago legally responsible for the murder of Desdemona? Do you believe Iago is guilty or not guilty? Throughout the process of Iago’s plan he was able to drive the Moor mad and jealous, resulting in him killing his wife. Many assistant district attorneys of Cyprus believe that Othello (military leader of Cyprus) committed voluntary manslaughter …show more content…

In Act 2, scene 1, lines 252-255 Iago explains, “Now, for want of these required conveniences, her delicate tenderness will find it-self abused, begin to heave gorge, disrelish and abhor the Moor.” From the beginning of the play, readers know that Iago hates Othello because he believed it was unfair that someone who was not as experienced in war was promoted as lieutenant, instead of him. Iago was plotting to get Othello to believe that his wife was a strumpet. He knew that this would anger and sadden Othello but he wanted to carry it out anyways, all while still making sure the Moor thought Iago was being loyal to …show more content…

Shortly before speaking to Iago Othello had watched, without hearing, Cassio speak about what him and Bianca do together. Once assuming that Cassio had been speaking about Desdemona, Othello becomes livid and Iago exclaims, “And to see how he prizes the foolish woman your wife! She gave it him, and he hath giv’n it his whore” (scene 1, lines 194-196). Iago deliberately told Othello that Cassio prizes Desdemona and that he received the handkerchief from her even though it was all a lie. The only truthful part about what he exclaimed to Othello was that Cassio gave the cloth to Bianca. In Act 3, scene 3, lines 218-219 Cassio orders Bianca, “As like enough it will, I would have it copied. Take it, and do ’t, and leave me for this time.” Cassio liked the design of the handkerchief and consequently told Bianca to create him one similar to it although she was upset because she did not know how he had received it (assuming it was from a woman). The final reason why Iago should be found guilty of being an accessory in Desdemona’s death is that he literally told Othello how to kill Desdemona. In Act 5, scene 1, lines 226-227 Iago says to Othello, “Do it not with poison. Strangle her in her bed, even the bed she hath contaminated.” Iago never truly laid a hand on Desdemona but did in fact tell Othello exactly how he should kill her. Othello took

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