Omens And Dreams In The Alchemist

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The Significance of Omens and Dreams in “The Alchemist” Omens and dreams support “The Alchemist’s” theme of connection in the world and fate. The specific theme that omens and dreams support is plainly identified as the “Soul of the World,” and dreams and omens contribute to this theme. The interactions between Santiago and the crystal merchant where Santiago realizes his destiny, Santiago’s shepherding times in which he learns the Language of the World, and meeting the Alchemist himself and uncovering the true mystery of the power within. The thematic significance of dreams themselves begin early in the book. Santiago visits a Gypsy dream interpreter and falls asleep. In a dream, Santiago is playing in a field with sheep. …show more content…

Characters, events, and even animals all serve as different omens. For example, the character of the crystal merchant is an omen of what is to come if the “Personal Legend” is give up on. Santiago had given up on his dream and had seemingly resolved to shepherd again after seeing the great expense to cross the desert. The Crystal Merchant had given up on his own Personal Legend, feeling as if it is impossible to achieve. Santiago is then detoured at the Crystal Merchant’s shop, and, suddenly, two new customers come in.The Crystal Merchant hires Santiago for his shop, as he believes Santiago will bring good fortune to his business. With Santiago’s help, the Crystal Merchant’s business grows, and he realizes Santiago himself is a good omen. With this in mind, the Crystal Man pushes Santiago to pursue his Personal Legend and, in turn, Santiago encourages the …show more content…

Urim and Thummim, one white stone and one yellow stone, symbolized fate. A question might be asked and, depending on the color of the rock, the answer might be yes (white) or no (black). Santiago resolves not to rely on them in regards to achieving his Personal Legend until, after being robbed, he tests them. Santiago first asks if he has the old man’s blessing and pulls out the “yes” stone. Santiago then asks: “Will I find my treasure?” But, then, as soon as Santiago moves to retrieve one stone or the other, both stones fall through a hole in his pocket. Santiago believes this to mean his own decisions will influence his success in following his Personal Legend. This omen symbolizes how fate influences the journey of a person, but still cannot take the action for the person themself. The stones represent fate, and Santiago must make the right decisions to find his treasure and achieve his Personal