
One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest Essay

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One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest is a classic film that was released in 1975 and is based on the novel of the same name by Ken Kesey. The film tells the story of Randle Patrick McMurphy, a free-spirited and rebellious man who feigns insanity to serve his prison sentence in a mental institution instead of a work farm. This film is a perfect example of how various elements of plot come together to create a powerful and thought-provoking story. The exposition of the film takes place when Randle Patrick McMurphy is transferred from a prison to a mental institution. This serves as the background for the story and sets the stage for the events that will take place. The audience is introduced to the setting of the mental institution, the patients, and the staff, including the strict and oppressive nurse, Ratched. The exposition sets the tone for the story and provides the audience with the necessary information to …show more content…

He quickly becomes a hero to the patients, who have been oppressed and controlled by Nurse Ratched for a long time. This leads to a series of conflicts between the two characters and sets the stage for the climax of the story. The rising action of the film is characterized by a growing tension between Randle Patrick McMurphy and Nurse Ratched, as well as the patients' growing excitement and hope for change The climax of the film occurs when Randle Patrick McMurphy, in a fit of anger, attacks Nurse Ratched, causing her to lose her authority and control over the patients. This marks the turning point of the story and is the most dramatic moment of the film. The climax is a powerful and emotional moment that highlights the struggle between the individual and the establishment. It is also a moment that showcases the bravery and determination of Randle Patrick McMurphy and the

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