One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest

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One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest (1975) Some films have been particularly noteworthy for breaking the Indian stereotype. One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest featured an important contemporary role played by an Indian actor. In a scene where McMurphy (played by Jack Nicholson) gives a supposedly mute Indian Chief named Bromden (played by Indian actor Will Sampson) some Juicyfruit gum, “what the audience heard was far removed from the stereotypical ‘hows’ and ‘ughs’ and ‘kemosabes’ of tinsel moviedom” (Rollins and O’Connor, 1998:12):
Bromden: Ahh Juicyfruit.
McMurphy: Why you sly son of a bitch, Chief. Can you hear me, too?
Bromden: (Grinning) Yeah you bet.
McMurphy: Well I’ll be goddamned, Chief! They all think you’re deaf and dumb. Jesus Christ!