The modern world view is about how people are bigger and better than ever. It's about how we need to get more money, success and power and then when we have all that get more. Nowadays we see more and more people who see the world as me against them. They believe everything is a competition that they must win. The modern world view believes that we have to have money and power and materialistic things to even be worth of being a person. In this world view we find people who classify themselves as above others. They believe that they are the ones they need. So in the song One of Them G-Eazy. We hear how he says "I seen that big house, I need one of them I seen that Lambo, I need one of them I seen them PJ's, I need one of them, I see them bad …show more content…
Every day visuals are constant reminders to people who care that they are not worthy or good enough and that if you ever see a person in a certain kind of car you're not of their class you are not the same kind of human. We see that it is even portrayed in today's music that we need more and that greed is good. Therefore, if we ever want to be valued as humans then we better go to college study a career we hate because that is what is going to make us the most money. That ultimately gives us all the other necessary thing that we need like your parent's right to brag about you. The big house the nice car and the trophy wife/husband. These are what the modern world view is aiming for. So all in all we can see that our culture is so self-obsessed with money and power that they can't be convinced that anything else could ever be right. We also see how this song relates to this generation and to the Modern world view. Also how it stands behind the idea that we need to be better then everyone and make sure our status is known and that people will respect your money power and fame. With this song we get in insiders look to people who believe that the Modern world view is true and how it is very true when it comes to our