Only Daughter By Sandra Cisneros

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The first initial thought that comes to mind when hearing the word “attitude” is usually a negative one. We hear things all the time like “fix your attitude” or “that attitude won't get you anywhere”. But attitude is actually what you need to gain success. I know sounds craz, but it's true. Attitude isn't always necessarily bad. When changing an attitude from negative to positive, slowly life begins to change and so will the way you view things. I know this because I have done it with my own life. Schooling never came easy to me, the more I tried the more frustrated I became. Grades were very important to my father, his main goal for me was to go to college. Only problem was I didn't want to go, I felt like I had no chance anyway. Not only …show more content…

Although Cisneros father did not want her to go to school, she felt the pressure to find a husband and start a family. Through out the narrative Cisneros shared her thoughts about being pressured, and her feelings about how she felt somewhat of an outcast in her family because she was an only daughter,through dialogue. The dialogue from this passage easily helped me connect because it came from a personal level. Quotes from her father such as; “This is my only daughter. She teaches. Es maestra not even profesora” Helped me understand her frustration of her father not being satisfied unless she gets married. Cisneros could have went along with life and had a bad attitude about the whole situation, but she didn't. She kept a positive mindset and was determined to make her father proud on her terms. Being positive helped her think of different ways to make her father proud but still continue to do what she loved, translating one of her stories to Spanish. The dialogue when he finished reading her story helped me understand her purpose. He looked up at her and asked “Where can we get more copies of this for the relatives.” This helped me understand that you should not feel pressure to do something you don't want to do to make someone happy, make someone happy by doing what you feel is right to do with you