Operation Sergeant Essay

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ASSESMENT TO SGT. WILSON COUNSELING ON OCTOBER 20151015 SGT. Wilson, When you first arrived here to Bravo Company on February 2015 I was the Operation Sergeant, I was the one that in processed you in to the company. When I took over as the platoon Sergeant in late April we were getting ready to leave to the National Training Center. So that statement that you wrote doesn 't go with the time frame that you are describing. Yes I did tell you that I was a 12Bravo and that I did not know your MOS very well but I knew of some the aspects of your Mos 12 November and some tactical skills and job duties and that you had to read up on your MOS skills and job description. I also told you all that I don’t always have the answer to everything and that you would have to look up the answer and do the research on the subject but I would help everyone to the best of my …show more content…

They stay during lunch and ask questions. They come in during and after work to ask question and seek the knowledge. But you on the other hand come in the morning 10 minutes till company formation and leave home straight after work. I don’t know about every MOS in the Army so you had to do your part as well. I also gave you a Company Tascop and a Battalion Tacop to read about how to conduct some of your duties and job description and where you could find the information about your MOS if you had any questions that you could come to me but you never did. When I asked you at NTC if you had read the both tacsop you told me that you did not bring your glasses to NTC. I then told you how where you accepted to learn or read if you did not do your part. You gave me a blank stare and did not give a

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