
Opposing Views On The Branches Of Feminism

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The branches of feminism ranges from Radical, those who want to uproot and reconstruct what they believe is a male-dominated capitalist hierarchy which suppresses women in-order to obtain an egalitarian society, to Liberal, those who seek legal and political reform in-order to achieve individualistic equality for both men and women, to Conservative, those who shyly believe in small changes toward equality. Regardless of which branch you look to and analyze, you come back with the same exact outcome; they want equality. “If you identify as an egalitarian it should be assumed that you believe everyone should be treated equally… Feminism should also contain the belief that patriarchy is morally incorrect and should be actively opposed and ultimately …show more content…

Any type of harm should not be inflicted upon another, not because they so happen to be a woman, but because it is wrong to harm anyone of any gender. Nothing should be determined by your gender, not even likelihood of assault; it may sound harsh to say but that is what is needed to for equality to truly exist. The hatred of men is not what defines a feminist, feminism is not the promotion of any type of loathing towards anyone, those are misandrists [female counterpart of misogynists]; some misandrists may be drawn to feminism but their hatred does not define the entire feminist movement. Most feminists actually disagree with the belief that women are better than men, because that is not their intention in their path of betterment for themselves. The intensity for feminism grew overtime and the more passionate the feminists became, the more they tagged with ludicrous allegations such as only consisting of bra-burning man-haters, as well as advocating against family values and God’s will rather than their true intentions which were the ability to do and what only men of the time were allowed to do. Women were only deemed worthy of worshipping their men, cooking, cleaning, and caring for the children, but as society and the culture grew, so did the young women’s desire for freedom, independence and control of her …show more content…

An egalitarian society can be achieved through feminism; by association feminism strives for equality of the sexes rather than superiority for women. The situations where an individual has the opportunity to be biased toward a gender needs to change, such as promoting employees to higher positions/ distribution of pay and assigning of custody specifically in the case of children. Of course it is extremely unrealistic to expect a society where no one judges someone for something out of their control, but that seems out of reach for humanity at the moment. Feminism is a call for strength, not a call to weaken others. Double standards such as spousal abuse against only women being taken seriously, while it is more evident it is not any more priority than the very real cases in which women abuse their spouse. Feminism does not mean burn your bras, hate men, play the victim and become lesbians, but instead to strive for equality for both

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