Coptic Christians (or Copts) are a minority religious group in Egypt; they compose approximately 10% of the Egyptian population. Coptic Christians follow the teachings of the Coptic Orthodox Church, which was established by Saint Mark who brought Christianity to Egypt in the first century (Boles 23). In 2011, Fernando Moleres photographed Coptic Christians on the streets of Egypt protesting the murder of Coptic Christians by the Egyptian army and Radical Muslims (Moleres). In Moleres’s picture, Coptic Christians are carrying an Egyptian flag and a lit Coptic cross. The Egyptian flag represents the history of oppression of Coptic Christians and the social division between Christians and Muslims. In addition, the Coptic cross symbolizes forgiveness …show more content…
For instance, in October 2011, a 17-year-old Christian student was told by his teacher to remove the cross that was around his neck. He refused. The teacher and his Muslim classmates beat him to death. “In the new Egypt, you can exist as a Copt, but you are not allowed to be proud of that fact. You will be allowed to survive, but you must show your submission to the religion of the majority and recognize your inferior status” (Tadros 25). Moreover, if there is a new church being built, or if there is a rumor of a relationship between a Christian man and a Muslim woman, or if a Christian shows lack of respect for Islam, it usually leads to Muslim mobs attacking Christian homes, burnings, and, even murders. “It is not that their neighbors want them dead; they just want the Christians to live, permanently, as second-class citizens” (Tadros …show more content…
The Coptic cross symbolizes endurance. Even though, Copt Christians are persecuted daily, they remain steadfast in their religion. They do not convert to Islam; they continue to practice their religion despite the fact that they can be killed for it. As Lactantius says, “Religion is to be defended—not by putting to death—but by dying. Not by cruelty, but by patient endurance. Not by guilt, but by good faith.” Coptic Christians believe they are defending their religion by being resilient and having good faith (Youssef). Moreover, the Coptic cross symbolizes forgiveness. Coptic Christians forgive their attackers. They do not try to get revenge; they do not attempt to harm anyone in return. They do not even violently protest. That is so because as it is stated in Matthew 5:44, “But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you”