How Did Christianity Contribute To The Decline Of The Roman Empire

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One of the many factors that contributed to the fall of the Roman Empire was the rise of a new religion, Christianity. Although many believe before Christianity emerged into Rome, Jews had already established a presence in the empire. Jesus was the son of God and that came into the world to redeem humanity and to bring immortality to those who believed in him and followed his way. Many people were attracted to this because in the tradition Roman religion only Gods could live in heaven, but now anyone who believed in him could go to heaven; the news quickly spread throughout the Empire. At first, Christianity was persecuted and hunted within the Roman Empire. It wasn’t until Constantine, the Roman Emperor decided to end the persecution, and Christianity became to be the dominant religion of the Roman Empire. Rome’s early Christian church had the largest congregation of Christians. At this church, Jesus’s apostles, Peter and Paul were martyred here. …show more content…

I believe that Christianity was the starting factor to the fall of the Roman empire, but it wasn’t the only problem that contributed to the fall. As Roman Empire expanded it became harder to protect. Political amateurs were in control of Rome, and army generals dominated the emperorship. Overtime, the military wasn’t loyal to Rome. Taxes grew and less people were interested in becoming soldiers, so therefore they hired Germanic soldiers to fight. Frequent internal conflicts and political instability weakened the empire as well. The wars of succession pushed the empire into a crisis. These less reliable soldiers eventually sacked Rome. A Germanic barbarian took control of Rome and forced the last emperor to give up his crown. In conclusion, I think Christianity might have started the fall of Rome, but there was many other problems that contributed like; external attacks, political instability, internal conflicts and the division of the