Organized Labor Pros And Cons

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There was a correct way to settle the disputes between organized labor and big businesses.The group of people that were correct about settling the disputes were the organized labor. Instead of following socialism, the workers formed unions. They formed unions to gain power in their jobs. There is a more successful union between the National Trades Union and the American Federation of Labor. They both have pros and cons between the two unions, but there is one that succeeds farther than the other. Unions believed in giving power to workers. A business owner named Andrew Carnegie believed that once you signed the job agreement that you should follow the agreement. (Document A) Once they held a strike and tried to keep Frick out of the building and land while Carnegie was away on business for the Carnegie Steel Company. This helped to form the first national union in the United States. The National Trades Union was opened to workers from all crafts. It survived a few years but was destroyed by the panic and depression of 1837. (Cayton, Andrew R. L., et al. Prentice Hall America: Pathways to the Present. Pearson Prentice Hall, 2003.) Its pro was that they allowed all people in no matter the race, sex, religion, etc. Though the cons weighed more by having workers with no education about what to …show more content…

It survived on its own until 1955 and then combined with Congress of Industrial Organizations. The pros of this union were that they only allowed skilled workers into this union, which made it a very successful union to last this long. The cons were not allowing women and African Americans into the union as they were not educated like the white males in this era. It helped the workers gain power throughout the years it existed and it is still making it more equal to everyone in the United States of America. (“About Us.” AFL-CIO, Unions can show how successful to the workers of our