Origin Moment By Susan Curealean

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When analyzing and reviewing Susan Curealean’s essay "Origin Moment” and Melissa Walker’s excerpt from "Rock Spring" one will find commonalities of elements that truly show the importance of our first connection with nature. The reader is able to see that one’s origin moment, “the spilt second early in life when memory takes hold in the body,” of nature specifically concludes in defining who the person is as an individual and how they view the environment around them, as well as how they take care of that particular environment. "Origin Moment” and "Rock Spring" are both able to discuss the importance of our first connections with nature due to writers, Susan Curealean and Melissa Walker reminiscing if you will, on past experiences and how those experiences have shaped each of them as the individuals they are today.
Susan Curealean’s essay "Origin …show more content…

The environment surrounds every individual from the day of birth, and has for all centuries. In Curealean’s "Origin Moment,” the “relationship with that rare and beautiful bird and the beginning of” her own journey “towards wholeness,” shows how the natural environment surrounds one of Susan Curealean’s origin moments. In this very instant, Curealean finally feels whole within her own mind. In Walker’s "Rock Spring," nature is where family members create beautiful members that have been important for not only herself, but also her whole family. Walker states that, “Thanks to my mother’s love of storms, I was happiest when rain was accompanied by sound and light. The closer the lightening, the louder the thunder, the more I enjoyed the spectacle.” Melissa Walker has this feeling due to past memories in nature with her family that brings her excitement. “To this day I feel a surge of excitement when I see lightening strike on the horizon and hear the roar of