Orson Scott Card Sparknotes

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The Battlegrounds of Emotion Hannah Correa English II Honors Ms. Doyle 1 March 2024 In the American Civil War, more than 600,000 people died, which is a greater number than those who died in WWI and WWII combined (Mintz). Andersonville (the Confederacy’s prison for the Yankhees) alone killed 25,000 young men in the first three months of 1864 (McElroy 646). The American Civil War represents just one of the tragic wars that have cut a bloody gash through the history of mankind. Such conflicts frequently beg the question: Why? Why do such horrors haunt humanity’s past, and why do those horrors continue to haunt humanity’s present and future? From birth humanity is taught the virtuous principles of love, generosity, and compassion towards …show more content…

And so, he is rejected from Battle School. Orson Scott Card uses Peter to express the conflict that exists within the hearts of individuals between a show of force and its moral consequences, and Peter is a testimony of the detriments of neglecting careful consideration of committing terrible acts. Orson Scott Card also uses the perspective and characterization of Valentine to represent the theme, but unlike Peter, she represents the other side of the conflict created by war, the moral consequences of a show of force. Unlike Peter, Card allows the reader to see into Valentine’s mind, which helps the reader understand how empathetic she is. Years after Ender had left Valentine and the rest of his family for Battle School, Valentine recalls, “But [she] had not forgotten him. She did not let her parents know, and above all never hinted to Peter how often she thought about Ender, how often she wrote him letters that she knew he would not answer” (123). Card’s allowance of the reader into Valentine’s mind creates a unique perspective that offers a greater understanding of empathy and how that emotion plays into the moral consequences of force. Card further demonstrates Valentine’s empathy and love by characterizing her through her words. In Ender’s lowest moment, when he was struggling to come to terms with