Oscar Wilde's Influence In The Victorian Era

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Oscar Wilde wrote at levels far more advanced than the time period he lived in. Oscar Fingal O 'Flahertie Wills Wilde was born on October 16, 1854 in Dublin, Ireland. Wilde 's father was an acclaimed doctor and his mother was established poet. After attending an ivy league school it is easy to see how he became one of best play wrights of his time. Oscar Wilde is relevant in the Victorian era and is also highly revered today because he spoke about human qualities. In Oscar Wilde 's short life he grabbed the attention of the Victorian audience and his works still have people fascinated now. Oscar Wilde expressed his words through novels, plays and even poetry. Once he began to write in different forms as he became a rising star in the early 1890 's. During the Victorian era the morals and standards posed by the society affected his writing. Victorians believed in values such as low tolerance of crime and a strict social norm (Dixon 34). Wilde on the other hand was a apart of the aestheticism movement. This simply means "art for art 's sake". He did not have the intentions of becoming an author with the purpose to entertain an audience but, to express his ideals and feelings (Clayworth 85). A large group of people flocked to his works because he was able to show the beauty of life and that one does not have to follow a strict rule book to thrive in life. Oscar Wilde cared more for himself than following others. Additionally, he chose to ridicule the people who conform