Theme Of Prejudice In Othello

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Othello is the main character in the play Othello, the Moor of Venice. With the introduction and description into the play we soon find out that the first characteristic of Othello is that he is black; his dark skin makes him different from the beginning of the play. With this first description of the play`s most important character we already have an important theme or aspect to look inside of the character of Othello himself and also, we are given the opportunity to look inside Othello`s current position in society and again we can have a view into the society Othello has found himself in.This first aspect would be the aspect of racism in the era of Othello. Having in mind that Othello himself is well known for courageous deeds-Othello being …show more content…

This aspect keeps coming back and mingles around Othello all the time, as he himself is also pulled inside of it. This we find in his own prejudice of himself, even though Desdemona is clearly loyal to her husband and she is a loving wife to him; it is his own prejudice that he is not a good match for her that helps Iago`s plan. None of the attempts of Iago`s plan wouldn`t have worked if there wasn`t a so called racial prejudice in Venetian society. Very important roles in Othello play the aspects of appereance and reality. Reality for Othello is being displaced with appereance. Othello doesn`t want to believe his wife`s words, nor her loyalty-he sees her as a traitor; a white skin traitor and he believes that is how it must be. His whole reality is being ruined, he can not see the truth out ot hate for his wife; jealousy is turning him into a mad man and it is changing his whole identity because finally, it is jealuosy that kills Desdemona, it is jealuosy that ruins their marriage and life. Othello sees only what Iago shows him, and in this situation we can only witness the tragedy about to happen. From the moment Iago seeks to take on the mind of Othello, there is little that can happen to change the horrible destiny Iago has intended for Othello and his wife also. And it really seems like only one man has the power to control so many different things (Iago), so many lives and no intelligence nor courage of Othello`s can stop this. Here comes the question of Othello`s own will for life or his own individuality which both seem like are lost. Indeed, even though the audience is sympathetic for Othello the entire time; and from the beginning the play all the outside characters seem also sympathetic for Othello and basically they all have fate in Othello`s words and actions and also think of him as being his own person; this all is being neglected

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