Out Of Body Experience Essay

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Patil 1 Journeys Out Of the Body: Sleep Paralysis Finding answers to our curiosity can sometimes be a daunting task. When every attempt, to find a scientific explanation behind a phenomenon fails, to believe in something beyond is the only way. There are many events, incidents, etc that science failed to explain, that lead us to believe in parallel world, dark world, life beyond Earth etc,. To prove the experiences that are within the body is possible, but to explain experiences out of the body seems impossible. This research paper focuses on Out Of Body Experiences in relation to Sleep Paralysis. Out Of Body Experiences a.k.a. OOBE An out-of-body experience (OOBE) is an experience that involves a feeling of floating outside one's body and, in some cases, the feeling of perceiving one's physical body as if from a place outside one's body (autoscopy). In 1943 G. N. M. Tyrrell introduced the term ‘out of the body experiences’ in his book Apparitions. Later this term was adopted by researchers such as Celia Green and Robert Monroe as an alternative to belief-centric labels such as "astral projection", "soul travel", or "spirit walking". Body experiences something that is not happening on physical level, but spiritual level. These experiences can be spontaneous and induced. …show more content…

He says when a person is asleep; he is not ‘thinking’, ‘behaving’ or ‘doing anything significant’. Monroe in his 30’s started having these strange “dreams”. Dr Gordon, his family doctor and explained his situation as ‘not physical’. Monroe used to feel vibrations in his body. Soon he realized he will have to deal with it himself, he started experimenting and taking notes. At first his ‘dreams’ were normal. He could walk here and there in his sleep while still being conscious. Thus he called his experience as ‘journey’. He recorded that someone is helping him in the