
Outline On Euthanasia

480 Words2 Pages

What is your argument/ topic/ question?
Euthanasia should be legal.


Are you for it or against it?
Affirmative (yes)
Negative (no) affirmative Personal Experience

Include what you may have experienced or witnessed in your argument.

(experienced, witnessed, heard, read)

Mom’s best friend, Annie stage 4 colon cancer
Multiple system atrophy
16 years
Annie and my grandmother were both in lots of pain near the end
If they had option of euthanasia they could have had more painless/ dignified deaths

Common Sense

(Everyone knows, Clearly, It is a known fact)
Everyone who has had someone in there life pass away, or whose loved one is close to death, knows that it is much more painful and traumatic to see …show more content…

(Include title, credentials, who is he/she) https://euthanasia.procon.org/view.answers.php?questionID=001320 Annette Childs
PhD and psychotherapist article: "Nevada's Death with Dignity Bill Would Ease Fears: Annette Childs"
“For those who fear a prolonged and/or suffering death, this type of legislation provides a potent medicine. Opponents focus on the actual end of life medications and how they could be misused, when the thing we may be better served to focus on is the placebo effect that occurs for those who never take the medications -- but find their suffering relieved by the simple knowing that they have a choice.”
Jerry Brown
Governor of California and lawyer statement when signing the bill that legalized physician assisted suicide in California
“I do not know what I would do if I were dying in prolonged and excruciating pain. I am certain, however, that it would be a comfort to be able to consider the options afforded by this bill. And I wouldn't deny that right to others."


Also involves research, find any study that represents something for your argument. (Include name and/or place of study, numbers,

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