Arguments Against Physician Assisted Suicide

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People should be able to live their life to the longest. Physician-assisted suicide is a controversial topic spreading throughout the United States due to the ethical issues surrounding the topic. Physician-assisted suicide is legal in a few states and other states have passed bills to make sure this does not happen. Even though some say that all have a right to die, physician-assisted suicide should not be legal because it would be too psychologically damaging to all involved. Having a right to die is what causes assisted suicide so controversial. According to Karaim in 2013 “Decisions about sustaining life, allowing it to end or even hastening death are among the most difficult choices terminally ill patients and their families can face” (para 1). Patients going through this have a bountiful number of things going …show more content…

As assisted suicide became more accepted, more people have died. “Oregon, which passed its Death with Dignity Act through a voter referendum in 1994 and began allowing the practice in 1998, has the longest track record. The number of Oregonians who choose physician-assisted suicide has been slowly climbing; 673 cases were recorded between 1998 and 2012. In 2012, the 77 cases reported to the Public Health Division amounted to about 0.2 percent of the total deaths recorded in the state” (Karaim 2013 para 14). The numbers will bound to go up too. Each year, more prescriptions and deaths increase, which means if it were to continue to trend upward, only more people will lose their lives. Physician-assisted suicide should not be legal because it would be too psychologically damaging to all involved, even though some say that all have a right to die. Deaths from assisted suicide will only go up, there are other options instead, and some people may misinterpret words someone had said and lead to an unwanted decision. Assisted-suicide death will not be the death to do a loving couple