
The Pros And Cons Of Physician Assisted Suicide

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Physician-assisted suicide should be legal because it is a compassionate response to relieve the suffering of a dying patient. California should pass the Death With Dignity Act, despite the negative connotations associated with physician-assited deaths. Instead of prolonging the suffering experienced by these patients, the patients should have the opportunity to end their lives on their own terms, peacefully and quietly.
Jack Kervorkian coined the term “Death Doctor. He was a physician who abused his power and “assisted with more than 130 suicides. This is an example of euthanasia, and act where a physician intentionally causes death of a terminally ill patient. More specifically, voluntary and active euthanasia, when a physician is given consent by the patient, and has the intent to cause the patients’ death.
Although, physician assisted suicide can be described as an act of self-destruction committed by a patient with the assistance of a physician. In actuality, physician assisted suicide is giving a patient a prescription for a lethal amount of medication that the patient later ingests to bring about death. Let it be clearly stated that doctors do not administer the lethal dose of the prescribed medication. …show more content…

The psychological evaluation is to prevent a clinically depressed individual from taking advantage of a lawful, preplanned death. This is also a check and balance system to stop bith corruption and coercion. This bill is perfectly plausible as it has already been successful for sixteen years in Oregon and five in Washington. By working around any clauses of Oaths and malpractice, patients and doctors can work together towards a better means of

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