Outline The Relationship Between Hamlet And Gertrude

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The love a mother has for their child is a bond that cannot be broken. Rather, a bond that is inseparable and irreplaceable. In Hamlet by William Shakespeare, the relationship between Hamlet and Gertrude reveals mixed emotions, but offers a glimpse of reality. Gertrude was a woman of trust, yet married into trouble after the death of her husband. Claudius was to blame for the death as told by Ghost Hamlet. Being poisoned must have been sprung by some kind of jealously of Ghost Hamlet. Hamlet's rage continues to surplus, but the only motive keeping him sane is his mother. The power of words and actions prove that Hamlet's relationship with his mother was, in fact, stronger than any other relationship within the play. During this time, the women, …show more content…

She seems as if death had no affect on her love. Hamlet blames Claudius for seducing Gertrude away from love, and reveals that it was not her fault. Claudius evil plot was working, well keep in mind it was, but it did not succeed. After getting informed by the ghost, Hamlet's urge for revenge boils up. The ghost asks Hamlet to avenge his death on Claudius, but keep his mother save. As he enters into a dark state, he does not want to hurt his mother. "Good Hamlet, cast thy nighters color off, and let thine eye look like a friend on Denmark. Do not forever with thy vailed lids. Seek for thy noble father in the dust. Thou know'st 'Tis common, all that lives must die, passing through nature to eternity" (1.2) creates Gertrude to give advice. She seems to live a happily live, even though she may not be rightfully happy. She knows the death of Kind Hamlet was to come at some time, for we all are apart of the live cycle. Towards the end, as Gertrude drinks from the poisonous cup, this is when Hamlet's revenge evoked his decision to end Claudius's life right then and there. Hamlet had the respect for his mother that did not deserve to end. All in all, Gertrude reveals indirectly that she was always more aligned with