Overall Health In Black Americans: A Case Study

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One last component includes socioeconomic status of Black individuals. Those with lower income and educational levels have poorer lifestyle choices than those of higher levels (Walker, 2012). A huge problem that contributes to negative overall health in Black Americans is a lack of adequate insurance. Those of lower economic status are less likely to have insurance, and therefore less likely to receive treatment for medical problems. Even when an individual has insurance, many private insurance plans have very high out-of-pocket expenses that may deter individuals from seeing a doctor or from following up a new prescription medication (Walker, 2012). Complications may arise due to medications being discontinued abruptly and without physician’s approval. …show more content…

For example, those who live in a high-crime community may be afraid to go outside and exercise to counteract unhealthy diets. Excessive weight, inactivity, and poor nutrition then contribute to further complication. Those in poorer neighborhoods may also lack adequate transportation to and from appointments with their physician as well. This may be related to lack of a vehicle to drive to the provider or lack of funding to pay for transportation. When barriers prevent people from seeking adequate health care, they may not routinely see their physician or wait until it is too late in the disease process. This then leads to poorer health outcomes overall. Nurses must be aware of these potential barriers to health care and work towards minimizing the disparities of health care. Recommendations to physicians may be beneficial if concerns about continuity of care may arise in regards to prescription medications and treatments. Advocating for these patients on a state and federal level for modifiable factors is always

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