How Did Douglass Overcome Loss In Dandelion Wine

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Overcoming loss is a life-changing cycle, however some characters in the book Dandelion Wine showed extreme courage. Not everyone shows the moral capacity that Douglas had. He experienced more losses at the age of 12, then grown ups usually have had. Experiencing loss can be a life changing process, but Douglas showed the strength needed to overcome the issues he faced. John Huff, Colonel Freeleigh, and Great Grandma Spaulding are the three people that affected him the most. The losses that Douglas overcame also took a part of him with them. John Huff was one of the larger losses throughout this book. John Huff was Douglas’s best friend throughout the book. Douglas did everything with John Huff, John Huff was always getting mention throughout the book . John Huff and douglas were very close Douglas knew him since he was very young, so with John …show more content…

Douglas said ”You John! John, You’re my enemy, you hear? You’re no friend of mine! Don’t come back now, ever! Get away, you! Enemy, You hear? That’s what you are! It’s all off between us, you’re dirt, that’s all, dirt! John, you hear me John!” so as you can see Douglas got really affected By John Huff moving. Changed they way he was thinking about his best friend John. The change from being best friends to making John his enemy shows that this loss has taken a toll on Douglas. Other losses he faces in this book Dandelion Wine change Douglas into a different person by the end, but it didn't all change him into a negative person it made him gain maturity and overall grow up into a somewhat man. Colonel Freeleigh affected Douglas even more than John Huff did bye far. Colonel Freeleigh was almost like Douglas’s older brother or even father. Colonel Freeleigh was a very old man, who just wanted to pass his passion down to Douglas. Colonel Freeleigh is quite the storyteller He told Douglas all