Overcoming Obstacles In My Life

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Throughout my life, I have encountered many obstacles that contribute to who I am today. Luckily I have had the strength within me to overcome all of them. When I was seven years old, my parents filed for a divorce. My father moved to sacramento and my mother stayed in Redwood City with my Sister and I. I didn 't understand why. I didn 't understand how, but I could not find the courage to ask my mother about either. She seemed so broken and distraught. How could I ask her for answers when she was having a hard enough time processing what just happened to our family? Our house got a lot more quiet. A bit too quiet for my liking as a seven year old. So I started doing everything in my power to make my mother and Sister happy. I tried everything …show more content…

I asked her what was wrong and she said, “Nick, Your Dad took his own life in the middle of the night last night. I’m so sorry.” I immediately thought to myself, “What if I called him last night? Would I have been able to stop it?.” I couldn’t live with myself for weeks afterwards and had to take nearly a month off of school to meet with a therapist and gather my thoughts. I was sure that it was my fault. If i would have called him that night it would have made him happy. It took months of people telling me that it wasn 't my fault in order for me to actually believe that I couldn 't have prevented it. Since I missed a month of school, I had fell behind in my junior year and my grades slipped to straight C’s. I came to the realization that being depressed about it wasnt gonna help me, it would just tear me down and my future. So instead of letting it tear my life apart, I used it as motivation to do well and improve the lives of others which gave me the idea to become a surgeon and save lives even though I wasn 't able to save my dad. Essentially, I want to become a surgeon in order to give back to my community and make my late father proud while doing