Personal Narrative: Cannon Hall

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Cannon Hall
3rd Hour
Don ‘Butch’ Hall I never was really close with my grandfather. I’ve pretty much lived in Utah my whole life. I was born in Richland, Washington, but I have no memories of living there because my family moved here, to Utah, when I was two. The majority of my family, from both my mother’s and my father’s side, live in the northwest. I only go to Washington/Oregon maybe once a year. Even when I go I don’t see the majority of my family. Both my mother and my father have had issues with their parents and some of their siblings, which is why we don’t visit most of them. When I was younger, I went to my grandparent’s house in Pasco, Washington every summer. Even then, it was just me, my sister, and my grandmother. My grandfather …show more content…

Me and one of my friends were getting ready for a huge day. We had this super awesome idea to go to Lagoon for the whole day. Opening to closing. We had packed lunches and everything. Right before we were about to leave my house to head to lagoon, my mom asked if she could talk to me. I knew something was wrong because I peeked outside and saw my dad outside on our deck in tears. I said “what’s wrong?” She said “Cannon, your grandfather passed away”. I burst into tears. It was already a rough time for me because about a month before that day, my great grandmother had passed away. It was a hectic day. My friend had to call and have his grandparents pick him up which took about 45 minutes because they lived kind of far away. During that time, my dad told me “pack your bags, we need to go visit your grandmother” I remember that I didn’t pack much because I couldn’t think. My mom immediately booked us plane tickets to Portland. It was super close but we made the flight. It was my first ever experience on an airplane. I’m pretty sure that was the only thing that I enjoyed during the whole …show more content…

Once we got there, we basically just spent a week with my grandmother, then the funeral. I would say that the hardest time I’ve ever cried was during my grandfather’s funeral. That week was one of the most emotional weeks of my life. I also learned a lot about my grandfather. A lot of his relatives like his cousins and siblings were at the funeral. Most of them I had never met before. I’ve learned a lot of lessons from that experience as well. The cause of my grandfather's death wasn’t ever