
Overfishing In Fish

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There are specific problems associated with the decrease in the number of bass in the Tri-lakes. There have been many records and data telling us that the population of the fish has been decreasing since 1988 to current day. These three main limiting factors are considered overfishing, the interactions among the bass and the organisms that live in the lake, and an increase in temperature that may be too hot for some organisms to handle. The interaction between the yellow perch and the bass has been competition, the bass population began to increase while the yellow perch population began to decrease. This might have been because they were fighting each other, or fighting for the food source. The next interaction in the lake is between the Daphnia and the bass population. This is predator-prey because the Bass eat the Daphnia because the Daphnia is the food source for the bass. It is important for us to use other people from our groups data so that we can really figure out the main factors causing the bass population to decrease. Without my groups data I would have only been able to find evidence of overfishing, but with the data I received from the others I was able to find the bridge to the temperature issue. …show more content…

Overfishing is a big problem because each year, starting in 1988, about 3,800 fish were caught, but after that, the amount of fish began to fluctuate.. The second main problem is the temperature change in the lake, the water is becoming too warm in which some organisms in the lake may not be able to handle. An organism like Daphnia thrive at a temperature 20°C, but recently the temperature has been 21°to 24°C, this is too warm for the Daphnia which could be why many organisms in the lake are having a hard time

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