Overpopulation: Don T Panic By Hans Rosling

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In a small town with a population of roughly five thousand people, its easy to forget that Earth has over seven billion people inhabiting it. Population growth is a hard thing to predict because of so many variables contribute to the growth of our world population. Hans Rosling, in his documentary “Don’t Panic”, used the current data to show a possibility of our population leveling off at 11 billion by the end of the century. Phillip Cohen, in his article “Let’s Not Panic Over Women With More Education Having Fewer Kids”, shows backs up the numbers of Rosling as it relates to the United States. The leveling off of the population will not happen without a challenge and countries must invest in education, contraceptives and technology. Our planet cannot sustain 11 billion people at the current resource and energy consumption rate. As a world, we must have a cornucopian view that, human ingenuity generates adaptive strategies that lead to human well being. Adaptive strategies we must act upon include, limiting our fossil fuel impact on climate, limiting resource consumption, and finding a sustainable existence on this planet. The accomplishments necessary to not reach the Earths carrying capacity …show more content…

This is not sustainable now, let alone when there will be 11 billion people on this planet. Rosling said, “ The challenge of population growth has already been solved. The number of children has stopped growing, and for the challenge of climate change. We can still avoid the worst, but that requires that the richest, as soon as possible, find a way to set there use of resources and energy at a level that step by step can be shared with 10 or 11 billion by the end of this century”. It is crucial for the United States and other countries to lead the way. The United States needs to have a cornucopian view of, investing in people and not war or the