Overview Of Canada's Peacekeeping Role In The 1956 Suez Canal Crisis

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In the past, Canada was dominated by Britain due to its status as a dominion colony, thereby forcing the country to respect their orders. Canada was essentially enslaved to the mother country, Britain. This signified that Canada was not truly a free country in the past, as decisions were made without its input. Britain controlled Canada through numerous ways. For example, in World War I, Canada was automatically drafted to join alongside them, expressing that Canada’s freedom was restricted. However, Canada has also benefited from its relationship with Britain. As a mother country, Britain has played a role in shaping Canada into its own nation as well as maintaining strong ideals and values. Since 1914, Canada has evolved from a dominion of …show more content…

This crisis was a military and political conflict in Egypt that threatened to divide the United States and Britain, however, instead of promoting more violence Canada was a peacemaker (Tattrie par. 2). Canada worked with the United Nations to create a peacekeeping force, especially for Britain. A ceasefire was later arranged but the United Nations entered the Canal and Prime Minister Lester B. Pearson allowed Britain, France and Israel to remove their forces without looking defeated (Tattrie pars. 8-9). This showed that Canada had the ability to be a decision-maker and assist Britain. This showed more change in their relationship as Canada was the one to help Britain, instead of the mother country typically helping Canada. This also proved that Canada could play different roles in times of conflict, showing independence. Canada was just as easily a peacekeeper than a fighter in this event. This showed that Canada was less dependent on Britain as it rather aided them and took on a more non-violent role. Overall, Canada proved its strength, power and independence during and after World War I, because the country worked as a separate unit and assisted Britain instead of following its …show more content…

This means Canada was recognized as its own nation. The Canadian Citizenship Act that was passed by William Lyon Mackenzie King on January 1, 1947, expressed a symbol of national status (“Canadian ..." pars. 1-2). This meant Canadian citizens were finally being referred to as “Canadian citizens” instead of being called “British subjects” (“Canadian ..." pars. 1-2). The government hoped this would create unity and less discrimination in a growing diverse population. This allowed Canada to have its own sense of individuality and national identity. Immigrants and people of other descent that lived in Canada were also referred to as “Canadian citizens.” This showed that Canada has evolved with its name for their citizens apart from

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