World War II Made A Positive Impact On Canada From 1929-1939

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When people hear the term war, they automatically presume it as a negative event in time. The mass amounts of death, injuries, and families destroyed would make one believe not a single positive can come from it, although this is not always the case; there are many positives that can come from a nation fighting a strong battle. Canada benefitted from the war due to it helping end The Great Depression in 1939, women involvement increased, and the nation of the strong and free gained more military independence.

World War Two made a large positive impact because it helped eliminate the dilemma that caused great hardship from 1929-1939; the event is known as The Great Depression. People lost their jobs, went into poverty, and could not meet …show more content…

Canada did not automatically go to war the second Britain declared war. Instead, Canada was able to declare war on Germany independently which showed they could self-govern. Additionally, lots of military training took place in Canada. The British Commonwealth Air Training Program issued by Prime Minister Mackenzie King in the prairies was used to train pilots from commonwealth countries; 70% was payed for by Canada while 30% was payed for by Britain. Another training camp was Camp X which was used to train allied spies secretly in Ontario. The fraction of payment as well as the training itself showed Canada taking charge. Canada also produced mass amounts of war supply that was essential for winning war. The War Supply Board was a government agency established and led by C.D Howe, the Canadian Minister of Munitions and Supply. The board was used to oversee supply on the front; crown corporations were created to oversee raw materials, manufacturing facilities, and supply line. However, when USA passed the Lend-Lease Act which allowed USA to give goods to the allies and receive payment in instalments or in the future, it hurt Canada;s wartime economy and caused the Hype Park Declaration (American produced war material made in Canada to be apart of the