Why Did Canada Respond To World War One In 1914

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In 1914, Canadians responded to Canada’s entry into the Great War in various ways. The entry into the Great War sparked lots of different ideas and opinions on war and became a whole new issue for the citizens of Canada. There are many different things to consider with Canada’s entry, including: reactions of different groups and individuals in Canadian society, reactions of different regions and provinces in Canada, factors that influenced the different viewpoints and reactions of Canadians, and possible outcomes of the war that Canadians were predicting at the beginning of the war. All of the factors lead to various opinions on the entry, including whether or not it was good or bad.

There were many reactions of different groups and individuals …show more content…

Many Canadians believed that the democracies of the world would not tolerate a large-scale war and if war did break out, there wouldn’t be much left of anything or anybody. Many Canadians predicted that World War 1 would be the last large-scale war ever. Some Canadians predicted that if they went to war alongside Britain, they could help win the war which made them feel loyal. The prediction of war seen in Winnipeg, Manitoba’s Grain Growers Guide said that the men fighting for Canada will not return, that families will be left, homes will be desolated, crops destroyed, and children orphaned. The Grain Growers Guide felt like the rest of Canada did not see all the destruction that a war would cause. Many young men that signed up for the CEF predicated that war will be filled with victories, marching away to glory and will bring adventure. Some Canadians believed that war would put an end to the depression that was imminent in 1914. Many English-speaking Canadians believed that the moment Britain declared war, Canada was also at war. This topic is significant because it showed the different views from different citizens all across