Why Did Ww1 Break Out In 1914 Research Paper

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Why do nations go to war? The reason why war occurs varies from country to country. It may be generated by territorial, religious, or economically driven needs. During the nineteenth and twentieth century’s nations waged wars with other nations for a variety of reasons. Some people believed that their nation was justified in going to war in order to pursue national interests. Others believed that war is only justified if it is fought in order to preserve the security of their borders. War might be seen as doing evil in the hope that good may come of it even though countless numbers of innocents die, populations are displaced from their homes, countries are ravaged and even entire cultures are destroyed during the conflict. Why Did the World Go to War in 1914? The ‘Great War’ of 1914 to 1918 became the first war anyone had ever seen of its kind, not only that, but it was the First World War. It did not, however, begin as a world war, it started in Europe.
Why did Europe go to war in 1914? As explained by D. Louise in her study: “Why did WW1 breakout in 1914”, “there are approximately five reasons, why war actually started. In order they are: …show more content…

Militarism is explained as: “a rise in military expenditure, an increase in military and naval forces, more influence of the military men upon the policies of the civilian government, and a preference for force as a solution to problems”, (http://www.funfront.net/hist/wwi/military.htm, retrieved 22 Feb 16). Militarism is first because all the countries were trying to prove that they were the best country, by building the biggest, strongest and best armies and invading each other. They also wanted to test out their weapons, so engaging in conflict presented the opportunity. Accordingly, the countries stocked up their weapons ready for wars. They had wars to see who had the biggest and strongest military and also who had the best

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