Mexican War Justified

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US Justified or Not Justified War, bloodshed, trespassing, death, all this was caused by the US going to war for no reason. During this time, many interesting things happened. In 1848 the first baseball diamond was laid out in New York. Another interesting fact was that Mexico was a Catholic country, while America was a mostly Protestant country. This caused a lot of anger among the two countries. Sometimes countries go to war for no reason, an example of this is the War of Mexico. The United States was not justified in going to war with Mexico because, they did not organize borderlines with Mexico, Manifest Density was not believed by everyone, and all the US wanted was California. The first reason the Mexican War was not justified is …show more content…

This is because “California will, probably, next fall away from Mexico...Imbecile and distracted, Mexico never can exert any real Government authority over such a country” (O’Sullivan 323). US makes excuses to get California. They try to make everyone think that taking land away from Mexico would be the best thing to do. They make it seem as though going to war, and taking California and Texas away from them, will the Mexican government a favor. However Mexico has been able to get more land than America did, so the US has no reason to make fun of them or go to war. American citizens also started trespassing onto California, even though they knew it was not their land. They started to take it over without Mexico knowing.“The Anglo-Saxon foot is already on (California’s) borders...armed with the and the rifle, and marking its trail with schools and colleges, courts and representative halls, mills and meeting- houses” (O’Sullivan 323). Polk also somewhat wanted Texas, but the land he was really after was California. This evidence shows that if the US won Texas then Texas could help them win over California. US also keeps on saying the Mexico is not powerful and has very little authority. (O 'Sullivan 323) They tell everyone that Mexico is a frail country. This might be to make other people want to join the war In the end this evidence shows the US was not …show more content…

Overall the United States cared more about what their opinion was then what anyone else thought about anything. If the country were to just talk about everything with Mexico then there would be no need to fight. This topic is important because if this war had gone differently then Mexico would still own, California, Arizona, Nevada, Utah, and many other states. However still today, countries need to make sure that they are justified in going to war, that they have good enough reasons. This is because war is a heartbreaking time for everyone. It causes a lot of heartache for the citizens in the middle of the war. If a country does not need to go to war, then they would be hurting everyone for no