Oxfam Essay

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Contents Page:
A= Description Of Nationalisation.
B= Stakeholder groups.
C= Two Voluntary Groups

Nationalisation can be defined as the process where the government takes over the control and ownership of a private company by taking over assets of the company. Nationalisation is also used to refer to the transfer of assets and organisation from the hands of local governments into the hand of central government (Chick and Nelles 2007).
Some of the United Kingdom heavy industries and public utilities were nationalise between 1945 and 1950s and they were returned to private sector in 1979 during the regime of Margret Thatcher. The bank of England, the coal industry, railway, steel industry were all nationalised between 1946 and …show more content…

Oxfam charity organisation is one of the largest charities in United Kingdom. The group campaigned for food supplies to be sent through an allied naval blockade to starving children and women in Greece during the Second World War. The purpose of Oxfam is to help create lifelong solutions to the injustice of poverty. Oxfam is part of a global movement for change as they empower people to create a brighter future that is secure and free from poverty. They are also part of the group of global movement that campaign with others, for example, to end unfair trade rules, demand good education, better health services for everyone and fight against climate …show more content…

Thomas John Barnardo who was the founder of the organisation was born in Dublin in 1845 and at the age of 16 he was converted to Protestant evangelicalism and he decided to move to London to train and become a medical doctor. When Thomas Barnardo arrived in 1866 the city was struggling to cope with the effects of the Industrial revolution which result into bad housing, unemployment, poverty and diseases. He came to London when there was an outbreak of cholera which swept through the East End killing more than 3,000 people leaving families in poor condition. Thousands of children were sleeping on the streets and many others were forced to beg after being maimed in

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