Summary Of Summer Brennan's 'Oyster Farm Controversy'

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I. The oyster farm controversy as the mirror of the societal strengths The book is also the story of how dominant viewpoints within the society manage to win battles in the controversy and imposed their ideas and paradigm at the expense of weaker or smaller stakeholders. First, we can see a slow shift between economic concern to environmental concerns under the prism of Drakes Estero transformation. The sway of economic prosperity has led farmers to use and exploit the land and the water of Point Reyes National Seashores for necessity means. In chapter 3, Summer Brennan describes how oyster production got started. Oyster mariculture has been implemented in New York for disadvantage people since the eighteenth century. However, as the demand …show more content…

Corey Goodman, a reputed and brilliant scientist has defended Kevin Lunny’s cause politically since he has a lot of connection and a prominent network. Moreover, he also had his word to say in the Reyes Point Light editorial line since he is the greatest fund contributor. Local media is thus biased and defends a particular political stance. The role of science is also put into question in the book. As its outcomes are generally considered as trustful and reliable, the mistake of Sarah Allen, a Berkeley researcher and conservationist in her report “Drakes Estero: a sheltered wilderness estuary” by misquoting another research (from Roberto Anima). Even scientific materials can be wrong. In fact, this is the human factors using this knowledge which can be mistaken. As a result, this “scientific misconduct”, shared with the media and political circles shows evidence of oyster farm negative disturbance on the wildlife in Drake Estero. Dominant voices in the controversy are more likely to be heard. Political, economic and intellectual domination seems to be more likely to win compared to a potential truth as this last argument argue. That is why, it puts forward the prominence of human actions towards the