Pew Typology Essay

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The United States has been referred to as a melting pot because of the different people from many different places that came to live in America. Because of the different cultures the U.S. has many varying type of citizens with many different viewpoints. Every person has opinion on important issues in politics, and these opinions categorize them into different groups or typologies. I have taken a quiz to tell me what my typology was and have begun to evaluate my results. The quiz I took was called the PEW Typology Quiz. Starting with the results, there are eight groups ranging from hardcore conservative all the way two and extreme liberal with a ninth group for “bystanders” or people with no real opinion political matters. The person taking …show more content…

They are one of the least religious of the typologies. This might explain why they are very liberal on social issues such as same sex marriage. They believe in saving the environment and also believe that “Wall Street” does more good than harm to the United States economy.
The typology is greatly believe in a newer approach than what has been done in the past. “For Postmodernists, politics is not centered around political parties, utopian visions, or an ultimate telos; rather, it is a tool of experimentation that involves a radical critique of the existing systems of power in a society, the identification of oppressed groups, and the remedy for bringing those identified groups out of oppression to achieve a sense of social justice” (lastname) This is a more advanced look at Post-Modernism that I found more enlightening about the typology actually is.
As I said earlier Post-Moderns believe in protecting the environment. It is actually on of their main policies. 91% of Post-Moderns believe that the United States should do whatever it takes to protect the environment. () It can be assumed that because Post-Moderns are such a young typology they want to protect the earth that they are currently living on and that their children will be living on. It can also be said that because most Post-Moderns are well off they can afford to be more