Paid Leave Research

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Employees in every country deserve the right to have access to entitlements and protections in their work and family life. Some countries have developed the policies necessary that give rights and help for employees, while others lack in certain categories. The United States of America (U.S.) and France have had a history with each other for many centuries. Even though these two countries have shared history together over many years, they have also built their own identity. They each have their own customs and cultures that result in many different policies and ways of life for their citizens. Each country offers many different entitlements and protections for its workers, as well. The categories of entitlements and protections of paid leave policies, work hour limits, unemployment compensation, and quality of life will be discussed. There are two main goals of this paper. One goal is to take a glimpse at what each country has to offer its citizens or what they lack in these categories. The second goal is to envision an ideal “Family” or “Worker” Bill of Rights that is accessible to all employees to benefit them in their daily life at work and in their home. Paid leave benefits enable workers to take time off of work for vacations, illnesses, and other situations without having any financial stress to worry about. The Human Rights Watch …show more content…

Many factors determine the quality of life in the United States and France. According to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), n.d.), which uses information from a broad range of topics to “help governments foster prosperity and fight poverty through economic growth and financial stability”, both the United States and France perform well in the “Better Life Index” that looks at various factors to determine the