Pain And Suffering In The Book The Shack

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The Buddhism religion first noble truth states that all life is pain and suffering. Everyones experience with pain and suffering is different. In the book The Shack the main character goes through various types of pain and suffering when his youngest daughter Missy is murdered. Some of the sufferings I believe he faces are mental suffering, suffering with forgiveness, and suffering from not being able to understand why certain things happen in your life. According to the Buddhist teachings, the suffering of our mind can be caused by various factors, some being disappointment, hatred, depression, and frustration. In Mack’s case one of his mental suffering is caused by his hate towards God. When Mack’s daughter Missy is kidnapped and then killed, years after the tragic event that Mack refers to as the great sadness he is blessed to go on a journey with God to have his questions answered. Prior to going on his journey, he has so much anger and hate built up towards God. If God is known to be a perfect being who protects all his children from harm he would have never let the great sadness occur and let him suffer according to Mack. While on the journey with God Mack ask God “If you cannot take care of Missy, how can I trust you to take care of me (92)”. Because Mack is traumatized of what has happened he cannot trust or let go of his negative …show more content…

Another character who faces mental suffering from the great sadness is Mack’s oldest daughter Kate. Because of Mack’s depression and his lack of communication he causes his daughter to be depressed as well and have anxiety. She worries and believes that her father does not love her anymore after the great sadness occurred. Kate believes that if she did not want to go on the canoe and caused it to tilt over resulting in her dad to leave Missy unattended the great sadness would not have