Paleofantasy By Marlene Zuk: An Analysis

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In order to open our eyes to the realities of biology, Marlene Zuk, a professor of ecology, evolution and behavior at the University of Minnesota, USA, wrote his work "Paleofantasy." Marlene Zuk by writing this book was motivated by the deep desire to update the exact facts about everything around us and understand our present nature through the knowledge of our ancestors. Among others his first goal was to allow to all his readers to understand the evolution of man as complicated as it may be. through this literary work and scientific at the same time, Zuk enlightened us on the truths of evolution of the human race. While showing the increasing speed at which man continues to evolve at the same time she denies the common erroneous thoughts. Errors such as monkeys consideration as being the ancestors of men.
What does it by paleofantasy? By paleofantasy zuk and transmits the idea that humans anatomically moderns now live in a completely different environment of the past. And the adaptation of human beings …show more content…

Indeed, she dismantles paleofantasies of diet, sex and lifestyle by Demonstrating several major truths about evolutionary processes that pop-science Often Miss versions. For starters, marlene zuk shows the misconception of Evolution by general opinion by pointing the difficulties of understanding the concept of evolution. First Evolution is a phenomenon that happens so quickly that it can surprise us, then as human we continue to evolve but while this development we do not evolved at the same time. It illustrates that we're not really Fred Flintstone living in Manhattan, and we're not "stuck with" a brain or body has a set of genes or that has-been Unable to "catch up" to current