Zygomatic Bone Anthropology

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As my team and I discovered a new fossil in our excavation project, the unknown site yielded the skull of a mysterious specimen. Our goal as reputable anthropologist was to analyze the specimen to the best of our ability so our team can provide the most probable and reliable taxonomic identification. In order for us to effectively interpret the results our experiment yielded, we needed to review our knowledge in human evolution. The field that uncovers the mystery of the evolution of humans is paleoanthropology, the study of human evolution through the fossil record. According to Walker-Pacheco (2010) hominins posses various characteristics that separate them from other primates, such as: bipedal locomotion and dental morphology. Most common …show more content…

Nonetheless, our group observed specific locations in the skull that over time, changed among species. The following methodology will include how to observe or examine the different locations that were relevant to the study. By looking for the widest part in the back of the skull the location of the maximum skull breath can be identified. The degree of postorbital constriction can be recognized by observing the space behind the brow/supraorbital ridge. The zygomatic flare can be examined by evaluating how wide is the zygomatic bone. The cranium size can be analyzed by comparing the size of the overall cranium with the size of the overall face. The cranium shape can be determined by analyzing the height and width of the overall skull. The degree of prognathism can be examined by looking at the profile of the skull and determined how much the face projects outward. By looking at the back of the skull and analyzing the morphology of the occipital and nuchal region the shape of occipital and nuchal region can be determined. When determining canine size and diastema, one should analyze and compare the canine to other teeth and the space between the canine and the premolars. The chin or mandibular symphysis can be analyzed by looking at the profile of the mandibule. The shape of dental arcade can be determined by looking at the skull from a ventral view and analyzing the shape that the upper teeth generate. The dentition can be determined by analyzing the size of the overall teeth with the size of the overall facial size. Finally, the retromolar space can be identified by evaluating the space between the last molar and the rest of the