Palliative Care Philosophy

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Discuss the philosophy and principles of palliative care

Palliative care

Palliative care is an approach that aims to improve the quality of life for a person and their family, facing the problems associated with a life-threatening illness. It is a multidisciplinary approach that focuses on providing patients with relief from pain and other physical symptoms. It ensures the client’s comfort and dignity during the last days, weeks or months of their life and also involves their psychological, spiritual and social needs.

End of life care

End of life care is a continuation of palliative care and is concerned with the final days or weeks of life also known as the terminal phase. The aim is to help the person live as well as possible and to …show more content…

There are three levels of palliative care provided by the healthcare team, with increasing specialisation from level 1 to level …show more content…

• Level 2: This is provided in any location, with healthcare professionals who have additional knowledge of palliative care principles which they use as part of their role in the palliative care approach.

• Level 3: This is provided by healthcare professionals who work exclusively in palliative care and have extensive knowledge and skills in this speciality.(H.S.E., 2016)

The roles and responsibilities of the specialist palliative care team and the multi-disciplinary team, when caring for a person diagnosed with a life-limiting illness


G., Lydia, 2014, Palliative care (Online),, 28/05/2016

H.S.E., 2016, About Palliative Care (Online),, 28/05/2016

Macmillan, 2014, What are primary and secondary cancers? (Online),, 25/05/2016

W.H.O., 2016, WHO Definition of Palliative Care (Online),,